首页> 外文期刊>Environmental toxicology >Histopathological alterations in the edible snail, Babylonia areolata (spotted babylon), in acute and subchronic cadmium poisoning.

Histopathological alterations in the edible snail, Babylonia areolata (spotted babylon), in acute and subchronic cadmium poisoning.

机译:在急性和亚慢性镉中毒事件中,食用蜗牛巴比伦(Babylonia areolata)(斑巴比伦)的组织病理学改变。

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Histopathological alterations in 6- to 8-month-old juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, from acute and subchronic cadmium exposure were studied by light microscopy. The 96-h LC(50) value of cadmium for B. areolata was found to be 3.35 mg/L, and the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) was 1.6 mg/L. Snails were exposed to 3.35 and 0.08 mg/L (5% of MATC) of cadmium for 96 h and 90 days, respectively. After exposure the gill, the organs of the digestive system (proboscis, esophagus, stomach, digestive gland, and rectum), and the foot were analyzed for cadmium accumulation. The results showed that most digestive organs had a high affinity for cadmium. The main target organ was the stomach, which could accumulate on average 1192.18 mug/g dry weight of cadmium. Cadmium was shown to accumulate to a lesser extent in the digestive gland, gill, rectum, esophagus, proboscis, and foot. Histopathological alterations were observed in the gill and digestive organs (proboscis, esophagus, stomach, and rectum). The study showed that the stomach and gill were the primary target organs of both acute and subchronic exposure. Gill alterations included increased size of mucous vacuoles, reduced length of cilia, dilation and pyknosis of nuclei, thickening of basal lamina, and accumulation of hemocytes. The epithelial lining of the digestive tract showed similar alterations such as increased size of mucous vacuoles, reduced length of cilia, and dilation of nuclei. In addition, fragmentation of the muscle sheath was observed. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 20: 142-149, 2005.
机译:通过光学显微镜研究了从6个月到8个月大的斑斑点状巴比伦幼虫,从急性和亚慢性镉暴露中得到的组织病理学改变。结果发现,对于臭豆芽孢杆菌,镉的96 h LC(50)值为3.35 mg / L,最大可接受毒物浓度(MATC)为1.6 mg / L。将蜗牛分别暴露于3.35和0.08 mg / L(5%的MATC)镉下96小时和90天。暴露the后,分析消化系统的器官(长鼻,食道,胃,消化腺和直肠)和脚中的镉积累。结果表明,大多数消化器官对镉具有高亲和力。主要目标器官是胃,其平均可积累1192.18马克杯/克干镉。研究表明,镉在消化腺,腮,直肠,食道,长鼻和足中的积累程度较低。在the和消化器官(象鼻,食道,胃和直肠)中观察到组织病理学改变。研究表明,胃和腮是急性和亚慢性暴露的主要靶器官。改变包括粘液泡大小的增加,纤毛长度的减少,核的扩张和粘稠,基底层的增厚以及血细胞的积累。消化道的上皮内膜显示出类似的变化,如粘液泡大小增加,纤毛长度减少和细胞核扩张。另外,观察到肌肉鞘破裂。 (c)2005 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.环境毒素20:142-149,2005。



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