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Textile Washing Conveys SVOCs from Indoors to Outdoors: Application and Evaluation of a Residential Multimedia Model


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Indoor environments have elevated concentrations of numerous semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs). Textiles provide a large surface area for accumulating SVOCs, which can be transported to outdoors through washing. A multimedia model was developed to estimate advective transport rates (fluxes) of 14 SVOCs from indoors to outdoors by textile washing, ventilation, and dust removal/disposal. Most predicted concentrations were within 1 order of magnitude of measurements from a study of 26 Canadian homes. Median fluxes to outdoors [μg·(year-home)~(-1)] spanned approximately 4 orders of magnitude across compounds, according to the variability in estimated aggregate emissions to indoor air. These fluxes ranged from 2 (2,4,4′-tribromodiphenyl ether, BDE-28) to 30 200 (diethyl phthalate, DEP) for textile washing, 12 (BDE-28) to 123 200 (DEP) for ventilation, and 0.1 (BDE-28) to 4200 (bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEHP) for dust removal. Relative contributions of these pathways to the total flux to outdoors strongly depended on physical-chemical properties. Textile washing contributed 20% tris-(2-chloroisopropyl)phosphate (TCPP) to 62% tris(2-butoxyethyl)phosphate (TBOEP) on average. These results suggest that residential textile washing can be an important transport pathway to outdoors for SVOCs emitted to indoor air, with implications for human and ecological exposure. Interventions should try to balance the complex tradeoff of textile washing by minimizing exposures for both human occupants and aquatic ecosystems.
机译:室内环境具有较高的多种半抗生素有机化合物(SVOC)的浓度。纺织品为累积SVOC提供了大的表面积,可以通过洗涤在户外运输。开发了一种多媒体模型,以通过纺织品洗涤,通风和除尘/处置来估算14个SVOC的平均运输速率(势倍)。大多数预测的浓度在26个加拿大房屋的研究中的1级测量级范围内。根据估计的室内空气的综合排放的可变性,户外中位数[μg·(年内)〜(-1)]在化合物上跨越大约4个数量级。这些助熔剂从2(2,4,4'-三溴二苯基醚,BDE-28)到30 200(邻苯二甲酸二乙酯,DEP),用于纺织品洗涤,12(BDE-28)至123200(DEP)通气,0.1 (BDE-28)至4200(双(2-乙基己基)邻苯二甲酸酯,DEHP)用于除尘。这些途径对户外总通量的相对贡献强烈依赖于物理化学性质。纺织品洗涤将20%Tris-(2-氯异丙基)磷酸盐(TCPP)平均为62%Tris(2-丁氧基乙基)磷酸盐(TCPP)。这些结果表明,住宅纺织品洗涤可以是户外的户外SVOC的重要交通途径,具有对人类和生态暴露的影响。干预措施应尽量减少人类居住者和水生生态系统的暴露来平衡纺织品的复杂权衡。



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