首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Pollution >Response of the fish populations of the River Don in South Yorkshire to water quality and habitat improvements

Response of the fish populations of the River Don in South Yorkshire to water quality and habitat improvements


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The River Don in Yorkshire, UK, has suffered a legacy of pollution and land contamination that dates back to the Industrial Revolution. The river continues to be impacted by discharges from industry, mining and sewage sources, resulting in poor water quality and considerable damage to the fish stocks. Some modest reductions in ammonia, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and metal levels have been achieved through improvements to sewage treatment works and the shutting down of some industries. The decline in the steel industry has generally led to sustained low and acceptable levels of iron and nickel in the river, although some locations are impacted by ochre from abandoned mines. As a consequence, recreational fishing in the catchment remains restricted at many locations. Fish stocking and enhancement programmes have so far been ineffective due to setbacks from ad hoc pollution incidents and degraded habitats. It is suggested that the water quality and habitat degradation problems be addressed prior to embarking on any large-scale fish stock enhancement programmes. This would require substantial financial investment and it is recommended that funding be actively sought from both internal and external agencies to achieve this objective.
机译:英国约克郡的唐河(River Don)受污染和土地污染的影响可追溯到工业革命。河流继续受到工业,采矿和污水源排放物的影响,导致水质较差,鱼类种群受到严重破坏。通过改善污水处理厂和关闭某些行业,氨,生化需氧量(BOD)和金属含量有所降低。尽管某些地区受到废弃矿山o石的影响,但钢铁行业的衰退通常导致河流中铁和镍的持续低位和可接受水平。结果,流域的休闲捕鱼在许多地方仍然受到限制。迄今为止,由于临时污染事件和生境恶化造成的挫折,鱼类种群的放养和改良计划一直无效。建议在着手任何大规模鱼类种群增加计划之前,先解决水质和栖息地退化问题。这将需要大量的财政投资,建议内部和外部机构积极寻求资金以实现这一目标。



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