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Effects of three pesticides on the avoidance behavior of earthworms in laboratory tests performed under temperate and tropical conditions


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Little research has been performed on the impact of pesticides on earthworms under tropical conditions. Taking into consideration the often-limited resources in tropical countries, simple screening tests are needed. Therefore, it was investigated whether three pesticides relevant for the Brazilian Amazon (benomyl, carbendazim, lambda-cyhalothrin) affect the avoidance behavior of the earthworm Eisenia fetida. The tests were performed for two days according to ISO guideline 17512 but were adapted to tropical conditions (i.e. test substrate, test organism and temperature). The results indicate that this test gives reproducible and reliable results. Toxicity values (NOEC, EC50) are lower than those determined in 14 day-acute mortality tests and are approximately in the same range such as those found in 56 day-chronic reproduction tests with the same earthworm species, which were performed in parallel. Therefore, the use of the earthworm avoidance tests is recommended as a screening tool for the risk assessment of pesticides.
机译:在热带条件下,关于农药对earth的影响的研究很少。考虑到热带国家通常资源有限,需要进行简单的筛查测试。因此,调查了与巴西亚马逊河有关的三种农药(苯菌灵,多菌灵,λ-氟氯氰菊酯)是否影响wormEisenia fetida的回避行为。测试根据ISO准则17512进行了两天,但要适应热带条件(即测试底物,测试生物和温度)。结果表明该测试给出了可重复和可靠的结果。毒性值(NOEC,EC50)低于14天急性死亡率测试中确定的值,并且大约在相同范围内,例如在56天慢性繁殖测试中对相同earth物种进行的平行测试。因此,建议使用worm回避测试作为农药风险评估的筛选工具。



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