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Soil metal concentrations and vegetative assemblage structure in an urban brownfield


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Anthropogenic sources of toxic elements have had serious ecological and human health impacts. Analysis of the soil samples from a brown-field within Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, USA, showed that arsenic, chromium, lead, zinc and vanadium exist at concentrations above those considered ambient for the area. Accumulation and translocation features were characterized for the dominant plant species of four vegetative assemblages. The trees Betula populifolia and Populus deltoides were found to be accumulating Zn in leaf tissue at extremely high levels. B. populifolia, P. deltoides and Rhus copallinum accumulated Cr primarily in the root tissue. A comparison of soil metal maps and vegetative assemblage maps indicates that areas of increasing total soil metal load were dominated by successional northern hardwoods while semi-emergent marshes consisting mostly of endemic species were restricted primarily to areas of low soil metal load.
机译:人为产生的有毒元素已对生态和人类健康产生了严重影响。对来自美国新泽西州泽西市自由州立公园内一个棕地的土壤样品进行的分析表明,砷,铬,铅,锌和钒的浓度高于该地区所认为的环境浓度。表征了四种营养组合的优势植物的积累和转运特征。发现桦木桦和胡杨木以极高的水平在叶片组织中积累锌。 B. populifolia,P。deltoides和Rhus copallinum主要在根组织中积累Cr。通过比较土壤金属图和植物组合图可以看出,土壤金属总负荷增加的地区主要是北部的连续阔叶林,而主要由特有物种组成的半芽生沼泽主要局限于土壤金属负荷低的地区。



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