首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Monitoring and Assessment >Power analysis as a tool to identify statistically informative indicators for monitoring coral reef disturbances

Power analysis as a tool to identify statistically informative indicators for monitoring coral reef disturbances


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Extensive biological field surveys are costly and time consuming. To optimize sampling and ensure regular monitoring on the long term, identifying informative indicators of anthropogenic disturbances is a priority. In this study, we used 1800 candidate indicators by combining metrics measured from coral, fish, and macro-invertebrate assemblages surveyed from 2006 to 2012 in the vicinity of an ongoing mining project in the Voh-Kone-Pouembout lagoon, New Caledonia. We performed a power analysis to identify a subset of indicators which would best discriminate temporal changes due to a simulated chronic anthropogenic impact. Only 4% of tested indicators were likely to detect a 10% annual decrease of values with sufficient power (>0.80). Corals generally exerted higher statistical power than macro-invertebrates and fishes because of lower natural variability and higher occurrence. For the same reasons, higher taxonomic ranks provided higher power than lower taxonomic ranks. Nevertheless, a number of families of common sedentary or sessile macro-invertebrates and fishes also performed well in detecting changes: Echinometridae, Isognomidae, Muricidae, Tridacninae, Arcidae, and Turbinidae for macro-invertebrates and Pomacentridae, Labridae, and Chaetodontidae for fishes. Interestingly, these families did not provide high power in all geomorphological strata, suggesting that the ability of indicators in detecting anthropogenic impacts was closely linked to reef geomorphology. This study provides a first operational step toward identifying statistically relevant indicators of anthropogenic disturbances in New Caledonia's coral reefs, which can be useful in similar tropical reef ecosystems where little information is available regarding the responses of ecological indicators to anthropogenic disturbances.
机译:广泛的生物现场调查既昂贵又费时。为了优化采样并确保长期进行定期监测,确定人为干扰的信息指标是当务之急。在这项研究中,我们结合了从2006年至2012年在新喀里多尼亚Voh-Kone-Pouembout泻湖正在进行的采矿项目附近调查的珊瑚,鱼类和大型无脊椎动物集合测得的指标,使用了1800个候选指标。我们进行了一项功效分析,以找出能最好地区分由于模拟的慢性人为影响而引起的时间变化的指标子集。只有4%的测试指标有足够的功效(> 0.80)才能检测到数值每年下降10%。珊瑚通常具有比大型无脊椎动物和鱼类更高的统计能力,因为其较低的自然变异性和发生率较高。出于相同的原因,较高的分类等级比较低的分类等级提供更高的功能。尽管如此,许多惯常久坐或无柄的大型无脊椎动物和鱼类在检测变化方面也表现良好:chin形纲,等翅目,鼠科,三角纲,Arcidae和Turbinidae为大型无脊椎动物,而Pomacentridae,Labridae和Chaetodontidae为鱼类。有趣的是,这些科系并没有在所有地貌学层次中提供强大的功能,这表明指标检测人为影响的能力与礁石地貌学密切相关。这项研究为确定新喀里多尼亚珊瑚礁中人为干扰的统计相关指标提供了第一步操作,这在类似热带礁生态系统中非常有用,因为那里关于生态指标对人为干扰的反应知之甚少。



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