首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Monitoring and Assessment >Statistical Modeling based Directional Pattern Design (SMDPD) feature extraction for coral reef classification

Statistical Modeling based Directional Pattern Design (SMDPD) feature extraction for coral reef classification


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Coral reefs are a precious ecosystem that supports majority of marine life. The identification of coral species is essential in the conservation and monitoring process. Distinguishing the coral species among the coral reef family is really a challenging task since they have analogous characteristics and have complex spatial borders between the coral classes. This requires experts to identify corals. But due to inconsistency and biasing of manual labelling, the manual annotations of coral reefs are not feasible. The objective of this research work is to identify various types of corals present in the given input video. This work is aimed at identifying thirty-six types of coral by employing a new feature extraction method called Statistical Modeling based Directional Pattern Design (SMDPD) using a new directional pattern. The proposed work outperforms the state-of-art techniques for four coral datasets namely EILAT, EILAT 2 Red Sea, MLC 2010 and RSMAS. Another advantage of this work is the reduction in feature bin size from 255 to just 16 bins.
机译:珊瑚礁是支持大多数海洋生物的珍贵生态系统。珊瑚物种的鉴定是在保护和监测过程中必不可少的。珊瑚礁家人之间区分珊瑚物种真的是一项艰巨的任务,因为它们具有类似的特性,并有珊瑚类之间复杂的空间边界。这就要求专家确定珊瑚。但由于不一致和手动贴标签的偏压,珊瑚礁的手动注释是不可行的。这项研究工作的目的是确定不同类型的出现在给定的输入视频珊瑚。这个工作的目的是通过采用使用新的方向性图称为统计模型基于方向图设计(SMDPD)的新特征提取方法识别36种珊瑚。所提出的工作性能优于国家的最先进的技术四个珊瑚的数据集,即埃拉特埃拉特2红海,2010 MLC和RSMAS。这项工作的另一个优点是功能窗口尺寸的减少,从255到只有16箱。



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