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Seagrass restoration in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, Southeast India: a viable management tool


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Seagrass beds are important marine ecosystems that provide significant ecological services. The global decline of seagrass beds is becoming severe due to the increasing pressure of human-induced factors and changing climatic conditions. Restoration of seagrasses is an evolving science that started in 1939. In this study, we report a remarkably successful restoration activity carried out in the Gulf of Mannar (GoM), Southeast India. This is the first wide-scale effort in Indian waters. After the initial experimentation, manual transplantation of seagrass sprigs was carried out near Vaan and Koswari islands in GoM. Transplantation was performed with PVC quadrats and jute twines in areas of 800 m(2) in both the islands during February to May 2014. An increase from 16.4 +/- 0.3 to 32.3 +/- 0.6% in Vaan and from 15.1 +/- 0.2 to 35.1 +/- 0.9% in Koswari was observed in seagrass percentage cover during the period from June 2014 to May 2016. Area cover, shoot density, macrofaunal density and fish density increased at the restoration sites after the transplantation. Bottom trawling was found to be the most serious threat to the seagrass beds in these islands. This method of transplantation can be replicated in other areas of degraded seagrass in India to carry out wide-scale restoration of seagrasses.
机译:海草床是重要的海洋生态系统,可提供重要的生态服务。由于人为因素的压力增加和气候条件的变化,海草床的全球下降正变得严重。海草的修复是始于1939年的一门发展中的科学。在这项研究中,我们报告了在印度东南部的马纳尔湾(GoM)进行的修复活动非常成功。这是印度水域的首次大规模努力。初步实验后,在GoM的Vaan和Koswari岛附近进行了海草小枝的手动移植。 2014年2月至2014年5月,在两个岛上的800 m(2)面积内使用PVC方形板和黄麻线进行了移植。Vaan的移植率从16.4 +/- 0.3增至32.3 +/- 0.6%,Vaan的移植率从15.1 +/- 2014年6月至2016年5月期间,海草百分比覆盖率观察到科索沃里为0.2至35.1 +/- 0.9%。移植后恢复区的面积覆盖率,枝条密度,大型动物密度和鱼类密度增加。拖网底拖网被发现是这些岛屿海草床的最严重威胁。这种移植方法可以在印度退化海草的其他地区复制,以进行海草的大规模恢复。



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