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Model integration for assessing future hydroclimate impacts on water resources, agricultural production and environmental quality in the San Joaquin Basin, California


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The US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change provides compelling arguments for action and adaptive measures to help mitigate water resource, agricultural production and environmental quality impacts of future climate change. National resource planning at this scale can benefit by the development of integrated impact analysis toolboxes that allow linkage and integration of hydroclimate models, surface and groundwater hydrologic models, economic and environmental impact models and techniques for social impact assessment. Simulation models used in an assessment of climate change impacts on water resources, agriculture and environmental quality in the San Joaquin Basin of California are described in this paper as well as the challenges faced in linking the component models within an impacts assessment toolbox. Results from simulations performed with several of the tools in the impacts assessment toolbox are presented and discussed. After initially attempting model integration with the public domain, GIS-based modeling framework Modular Modeling System/Object User Interface (MMS/OUI), frustration with the framework's lack of flexibility to handle monthly timestep models prompted development of a common geodatabase to allow linkage of model input and output for the linked simulation models. A GIS-based data browser was also developed that works with both network flow models and makes calls to a model post-processor that shows model output for each selected node in each model network. This data and output browser system is flexible and can readily accommodate future changes in the model network configuration and in the model database.
机译:《美国国家气候变化与变化的潜在后果评估》提供了令人信服的论据,以采取行动和采取适应性措施,以减轻未来气候变化对水资源,农业生产和环境质量的影响。如此大规模的国家资源规划可受益于综合影响分析工具箱的开发,该工具箱可将水文气候模型,地表水和地下水水文模型,经济和环境影响模型以及用于社会影响评估的技术进行链接和整合。本文描述了用于评估加利福尼亚州圣华金盆地气候变化对水资源,农业和环境质量的影响的模拟模型,以及在影响评估工具箱中链接组成模型所面临的挑战。呈现并讨论了使用影响评估工具箱中的几种工具执行的仿真结果。在最初尝试将模型与公共领域,基于GIS的建模框架模块化模型化系统/对象用户界面(MMS / OUI)集成后,由于对该框架缺乏处理月度时间步长模型的灵活性而感到沮丧,这促使人们开发了通用的地理数据库以允许以下方面的链接:链接的仿真模型的模型输入和输出。还开发了基于GIS的数据浏览器,该浏览器可同时使用两种网络流模型,并调用模型后处理器,该处理器显示每个模型网络中每个选定节点的模型输出。该数据和输出浏览器系统非常灵活,可以轻松适应模型网络配置和模型数据库中的将来更改。



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