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Health Risks Associated With Predicted Increase Of Cadmium In Cultivated Soils And In The Diet


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We have assessed the change of the dietary intake and the potential health risks of cadmium in Finland, assuming that a high level of cadmium in fertilizers (138 mg Cd/kg P) would prevail for the next 100 years. Soil measurements and modelling were used to derive the predicted level of cadmium in foods. In three important cultivars, wheat, potato and sugar beet, the cadmium concentration would increase by 20-35%. Consequently, the average dietary intake of cadmium in Finland would increase from 7.9 to 10.0 μg/day, corresponding with the urinary level of about 0.2 μg/l, a level that has not been associated with effects on the human health. However, in the risk group with 1) high dietary intake of cadmium, 2) elevated gastrointestinal absorption, and 3) tobacco smoking, the estimated urinary level of cadmium would be 2.0 μg/l. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that urinary level of 1-2 μg Cd/l is associated with an increased risk of bone demineralization and fractures, and 2-4 μg Cd/l with pre-clinical kidney damage. People characterized by more than one of the above-mentioned risks factors, may develop the adverse health effects at an old age, when cadmium has accumulated in the body.
机译:我们假设在未来100年中,肥料中高含量的镉(138 mg Cd / kg P)会影响芬兰饮食摄入量的变化和镉的潜在健康风险。土壤测量和模型被用来推导出食物中镉的预测水平。在小麦,马铃薯和甜菜这三个重要品种中,镉的浓度将增加20-35%。因此,芬兰的平均饮食镉摄入量将从每天7.9微克/升增加到10.0微克/天,相当于约0.2微克/升的尿水平,该水平与对人体健康的影响无关。但是,在具有以下风险的人群中:1)饮食中镉的高摄入量,2)胃肠道吸收增加,3)吸烟,镉的估计尿液含量为2.0μg/ l。最近的流行病学研究表明,尿液水平1-2μgCd / l与增加骨骼矿物质化和骨折的风险有关,而2-4μgCd / l与临床前肾脏损害相关。具有以上提到的一种以上危险因素的人,当镉在体内积累时,可能会在老年时对健康产生不利影响。



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