首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Modeling & Assessment >Three-dimensional Modeling Of An Urban Park And Trees By Combined Airborne And Portable On-ground Scanning Lidar Remote Sensing

Three-dimensional Modeling Of An Urban Park And Trees By Combined Airborne And Portable On-ground Scanning Lidar Remote Sensing


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In this study, we confirmed the utility of airborne and portable on-ground scanning light detection and ranging (LIDARs) for three-dimensional visualization of an urban park and quantification of biophysical variables of trees in the park. The digital canopy height model (DCHM) and digital terrain model generated from airborne scanning LIDAR data provided precise images of the ground surface and individual tree canopies. The heights of 166 coniferous and broadleaf trees of 11 species in the park were estimated from the DCHM images with slight underestimation (mean error=-0.14 m, RMSE=0.30 m). Portable on-ground scanning LIDAR provided images of individual trees with detailed features. Tree height and trunk diameter were estimated to be within 0.31 m and 1 cm, respectively, from the on-ground LIDAR images. We combined airborne and on-ground LIDAR images to overcome blind regions and created a complete three-dimensional model of three standing trees. The model allowed not only visual assessment from all viewpoints but also quantitative estimation of canopy volume, trunk volume, and canopy cross-sectional area.
机译:在这项研究中,我们确认了机载和便携式地面扫描光检测和测距(LIDAR)在城市公园的三维可视化和公园中树木生物物理变量的量化中的实用性。从机载扫描LIDAR数据生成的数字树冠高度模型(DCHM)和数字地形模型可提供地面和单个树冠的精确图像。根据DCHM影像估算公园中11种树种的166针叶树和阔叶树的高度,但略有低估(平均误差= -0.14 m,RMSE = 0.30 m)。便携式地面扫描激光雷达提供了具有详细功能的单个树木的图像。从地面激光雷达图像估计的树高和树干直径分别在0.31 m和1 cm之内。我们结合了机载和地面激光雷达图像,以克服盲区,并创建了三个立木的完整三维模型。该模型不仅可以从所有角度进行视觉评估,还可以定量估算冠层体积,树干体积和冠层截面积。



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