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Can Artificial Ecosystems Enhance Local Biodiversity? The Case of a Constructed Wetland in a Mediterranean Urban Context


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Constructed wetlands (CW) are considered a successful tool to treat wastewater in many countries: their success is mainly assessed observing the rate of pollution reduction, but CW can also contribute to the conservation of ecosystem services. Among the many ecosystem services provided, the biodiversity of CW has received less attention. The EcoSistema Filtro (ESF) of the Molentargius-Saline Regional Natural Park is a constructed wetland situated in Sardinia (Italy), built to filter treated wastewater, increase habitat diversity, and enhance local biodiversity. A floristic survey has been carried out yearly 1 year after the construction of the artificial ecosystem in 2004, observing the modification of the vascular flora composition in time. The flora of the ESF accounted for 54 % of the whole Regional Park's flora; alien species amount to 12 %; taxa of conservation concern are 6 %. Comparing the data in the years, except for the biennium 2006/2007, we observed a continuous increase of species richness, together with an increase of endemics, species of conservation concern, and alien species too. Once the endemics appeared, they remained part of the flora, showing a good persistence in the artificial wetland. Included in a natural park, but trapped in a sprawling and fast growing urban context, this artificial ecosystem provides multiple uses, by preserving and enhancing biodiversity. This is particularly relevant considering that biodiversity can act as a driver of sustainable development in urban areas where most of the world's population lives and comes into direct contact with nature.
机译:在许多国家,人工湿地(CW)被认为是处理废水的成功工具:主要通过观察污染减少率来评估其成功,但是CW也可以有助于保护生态系统服务。在提供的许多生态系统服务中,化学武器的生物多样性受到的关注较少。 Molentargius-盐碱地区自然公园的EcoSistema Filtro(ESF)是位于撒丁岛(意大利)的人工湿地,用于过滤处理过的废水,增加栖息地的多样性并增强当地的生物多样性。在2004年建立人工生态系统后的第1年,每年都要进行一次植物区系调查,并及时观察血管中菌群组成的变化。 ESF的植物区系占整个区域公园植物区系的54%;外来物种占12%;保护方面的分类单元为6%。比较2006/2007两年期以外的年份中的数据,我们观察到物种丰富度持续增加,同时地方性物种,关注保护的物种和外来物种也有所增加。特有种出现后,它们仍然是植物区系的一部分,在人工湿地中表现出良好的持久性。这个人工生态系统被包括在自然公园中,但被笼罩在快速发展的城市环境中,通过保护和增强生物多样性而具有多种用途。考虑到生物多样性可以在世界上大多数人口居住并与自然直接接触的城市地区推动可持续发展,这一点尤其重要。



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