
The Spoils of Oil


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If you're like me, your head will be spinning reading Jim Motavalli's cover sto-ry this issue ("The Outlook on Oil," page 26). How can so many "experts" and "industry analysts" have such varying opinions as to when we will-or when we did-reach the world's peak of oil production? What with predictions ranging from right now to 30 years hence to 30 years ago, I can only conclude one of two things: (a) only one of them is right; or (b) none of them are right. But as I see it the whole debate about when oil might peak or run out is not unlike that proverbial argument about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Even if we have 10 thousand years' worth of oil still beneath our feet we should still move quickly to find alternatives and mark an end to our petroleum century.
机译:如果您像我一样,会很想念吉姆·莫塔瓦利(Jim Motavalli)关于这一问题的封面(《石油展望》,第26页)。如此众多的“专家”和“行业分析师”如何才能对我们何时-或者何时做到-达到世界石油产量的顶峰有不同的看法?从现在到30年再到30年前的预测,我只能得出以下两个结论之一:(a)只有其中之一是正确的;或(b)他们都不对。但是,正如我所看到的,关于油何时可能达到峰值或耗尽的整个辩论与关于多少个天使可以在一根针上跳舞的谚语争论无异。即使我们的脚下还有价值一万年的石油,我们仍应迅速采取行动,寻找替代品,标志着石油世纪的终结。



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