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Nearly seven years after the anthrax attacks that killed five people, the US Department of Justice appears to believe we may soon have a satisfactory account of who committed them. The apparent suicide last week of Bruce Ivins, head of the programme to improve anthrax vaccine at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, Maryland, has triggered speculation that he was about to be charged for the attacks (see page 12). It has also fostered accusations that by pouring money into biodefence research and giving more scientists access to hazardous materials, Washington has made the country more vulnerable rather than safer. Biodefence research in the US has undoubtedly been boosted by the attacks. Since 2001, the federal government has spent some $50 billion on shoring up its biodefences. Some scientists have complained that this has diverted efforts from more important research.
机译:在炭疽热袭击造成五人死亡之后近七年,美国司法部似乎认为我们可能很快就知道谁犯了罪。布鲁斯·艾文斯(Bruce Ivins)上周自杀身亡,他是马里兰州弗雷德里克(Frederick)的美国陆军传染病医学研究所改进炭疽疫苗计划的负责人,引发了人们猜测他将因袭击事件而被指控(见第12页) 。它还提出了指控,即通过投入资金进行生物防御研究并使更多的科学家获得危险物质,华盛顿使该国变得更加脆弱而不是更加安全。毫无疑问,袭击事件推动了美国的生物防御研究。自2001年以来,联邦政府已经花费了大约500亿美元来支持其生物防御。一些科学家抱怨说,这偏离了更重要的研究的努力。



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