首页> 外文期刊>Environmental earth sciences >Assessment of climate change impact on the stream-flow in a typical debris flow watershed of Jianzhuangcuan catchment in Shaanxi Province, China

Assessment of climate change impact on the stream-flow in a typical debris flow watershed of Jianzhuangcuan catchment in Shaanxi Province, China


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The study on the stream-flow change associated with future climate change scenarios has a practical significance for local socio-economic development and eco-environmental protection. A study on the Jianzhuangcuan catchments was carried out to quantify the expected impact of climate change on the stream-flow using a multi-model ensemble approach. Climate change scenarios were developed by ensemble four Global Climate Models, which showed good performance for Jianzhuangcuan catchment. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a physically based distributed hydrological model, was used to investigate the impacts on stream-flow under climate change scenarios. The model was calibrated and validated using daily stream-flow records. The calibration and validation results showed that the SWAT model was able to simulate the daily stream-flow well, with Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency >0.83 for Yaoping Long station, for calibration and validation at daily and monthly scales. Their difference in simulating the stream-flow under future climate scenarios was also investigated. The results indicate a 0.6-0.9 ℃ increase in annual temperature and changes of 12.6-18.9 mm in seasonal precipitation corresponded to a change in stream-flow of about 0.62-3.67 for 2020 and 2030 scenarios. The impact of the climate change increased in both scenarios.
机译:与未来气候变化情景相关的流量变化研究对当地社会经济发展和生态环境保护具有现实意义。对健壮村流域进行了一项研究,以采用多模型集成方法来量化气候变化对水流的预期影响。气候变化情景是由四个全球气候模式合奏得出的,这些模式对建壮村流域表现良好。土壤和水评估工具(SWAT)是一种基于物理的分布式水文模型,用于研究气候变化情景下对水流的影响。使用每日流量记录对模型进行校准和验证。校准和验证结果表明,SWAT模型能够很好地模拟日流量,姚坪龙站的纳什-苏特克利夫效率> 0.83,可以进行日和月尺度的校准和验证。还研究了它们在模拟未来气候情景下的径流方面的差异。结果表明,到2020年和2030年,年平均气温增加0.6-0.9℃,季节性降水变化12.6-18.9 mm,对应的流量变化约为0.62-3.67。在两种情况下,气候变化的影响都增加了。



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