首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Engineering Science >Statistical and Visual Comparison of Water Quality Changes Caused by a Large River Restoration Project

Statistical and Visual Comparison of Water Quality Changes Caused by a Large River Restoration Project


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This article presents a statistical and visual comparison of water quality changes caused by a large river restoration project. Since water quality data are often shown as a non-normal distribution with high seasonal variations, appropriate statistical methods should be selected according to data characteristics for accurate scientific decision-making. In this study, a normality test was first performed using the Shapiro–Wilk test and two statistical comparison tests were then performed, including the paired iT -test and the sign-test. Seasonality was considered by comparing monthly data pairs. In addition, a diagonal pair comparison plot was proposed as a visual comparison method. This plot is a graphic data display, where monthly paired water quality is represented by iX –iY coordinates. From this study, it was concluded that the series of statistical and visual methods would be suggested for comparison of non-normally distributed water quality with high seasonal variations.
机译:本文介绍了由大型河流修复工程引起的水质变化的统计和视觉比较。由于水质数据通常显示为具有高季节性变化的非正态分布,因此应根据数据特征选择适当的统计方法以进行准确的科学决策。在这项研究中,首先使用Shapiro-Wilk检验进行了正态性检验,然后进行了两个统计比较检验,包括成对的T检验和符号检验。通过比较每月数据对来考虑季节性。另外,提出了对角线对比较图作为视觉比较方法。该图是图形数据显示,其中每月成对的水质由 X – Y坐标表示。从这项研究得出的结论是,将建议采用一系列统计和视觉方法来比较季节性变化较大的非正态分布水质。



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