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Rule breaking and livelihood options in marine protected areas


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Two main drivers of global trends in noncompliance of marine protected areas regulations are food and income security. Declines in fish stocks have resulted in greater concerns for food security, especially in developing and coastal areas, and calls for environmental conservation are growing. Planning of marine protected areas has traditionally been based on biological and ecological data, only recently focusing on the human communities that are significantly dependent on coastal resources. The hypothesis that marine resource use is determined by socioeconomic factors (such as food security and income) and livelihood options was tested in two communities on the island of Rodrigues (Western Indian Ocean). As livelihood development can be a response to fisher displacement by protected areas, willingness towards alternative livelihood options and the differences in this between fisher demographic groups were also examined. Using semi-structured interviews, 72 fishers were surveyed on topics such as fishery and marine protected area (MPA) regulation noncompliance, current livelihoods and willingness to consider alternative livelihoods. Fishers believed Rodrigues fisheries suffer from high levels of noncompliance, owing mainly to a lack of livelihood alternatives and depleted stocks. Rodriguan fishers had low mobility, both within the fishery (for example gear types used and target species) and in movement to occupations outside the fishery. The fishers were generally willing to consider alternate livelihoods. Age was significantly correlated with overall willingness to consider alternative work, while gender and village were found to have a significant relationship with types of work that an individual was willing to consider. Policy makers and marine resource managers need to identify drivers of noncompliant behaviour and examine livelihood preferences at different scales (individual, within and between communities) prior to users being affected by MPA created displacement to more effectively address marine conservation and food security goals. The findings offer new empirical evidence to strengthen support for arguments that could be made by policy makers to demand more balanced consideration of the effects of MPAs on socioeconomic factors along with environmental considerations in communities highly dependent on access to the marine areas that will be affected by MPAs.
机译:粮食和收入安全是导致海洋保护区法规不遵守全球趋势的两个主要驱动力。鱼类种群的减少导致人们对粮食安全,特别是在发展中和沿海地区的粮食安全更加关切,对环境保护的呼声越来越高。传统上,海洋保护区的规划一直以生物和生态数据为基础,直到最近才侧重于严重依赖沿海资源的人类社区。海洋资源的使用由社会经济因素(例如粮食安全和收入)和生计选择决定的假说在罗德里格斯岛(西印度洋)的两个社区中得到了检验。由于生计的发展可能是对保护区渔民流离失所的一种反应,因此还研究了对替代生计选择的意愿以及渔民人口群体之间的差异。通过半结构式访谈,对72位渔民进行了调查,涉及诸如渔业和海洋保护区(MPA)法规不遵守规定,当前生计以及考虑替代生计的意愿。渔民认为罗德里格斯岛渔业遭受严重的不遵守情事,主要原因是缺乏替代生计和资源枯竭。 Rodriguan渔民在渔业内部(例如使用的渔具类型和目标物种)以及向渔业以外的职业迁移时行动不便。渔民通常愿意考虑替代生计。年龄与考虑替代性工作的总体意愿显着相关,而性别和村庄与个人愿意考虑的工作类型有显着关系。政策制定者和海洋资源管理者需要确定不合规行为的驱动因素,并在用户受到MPA造成的流离失所影响之前,在不同规模(个体,社区内部和社区之间)检查生计偏好,以更有效地解决海洋保护和粮食安全目标。研究结果提供了新的经验证据,以加强支持决策者可以要求更加平衡地考虑海洋保护区对社会经济因素的影响以及社区高度依赖将要进入的受海域影响的社区的环境因素的论点。 MPA。



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