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Sanitation service delivery in smaller urban areas (Mzuzu and Karonga, Malawi)


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This paper assesses the provision of sanitation services in two urban areas in northern Malawi, both with populations under 150,000, to determine the potential for private sector enterprises to contribute to longer-term self-reliance as part of the overall sanitation situation. The paper shows that most households in the two study areas use pit latrines and remain unserved with regard to both faecal sludge management and solid waste removal. Local governments have been unable to offer adequate coverage of sanitation services, and community-based organizations are doing very little that is relevant to the issue. This gap offers a viable business opportunity for private sanitation service providers. Of these two urban areas, Karonga Town has no formal private sector services, but Mzuzu City has pit emptying and solid waste collection services, plus some small-scale manufacturers of pre-made pit latrine slabs. The paper explores these activities, considering their accessibility to low-income customers. It closes with suggestions regarding the potential for building on what is currently available.
机译:本文评估了马拉维北部两个市区(人口均低于15万)提供的卫生服务,以确定私营部门企业作为整体卫生状况的一部分为长期自力更生做出贡献的潜力。该文件显示,两个研究区域中的大多数家庭都使用坑厕,在粪便污泥管理和固体废物清除方面仍然没有得到服务。地方政府无法提供足够的卫生服务,而社区组织所做的与该问题相关的工作很少。这种差距为私人卫生服务提供商提供了可行的商业机会。在这两个市区中,卡隆加镇(Karonga Town)没有正式的私营部门服务,但是姆祖祖(Mzuzu)市提供粪坑清空和固体废物收集服务,以及一些预制坑厕板的小规模生产商。本文探讨了这些活动,并考虑了它们对低收入客户的可及性。本文以有关在当前可用资源基础上的潜力的建议作为结尾。



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