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Markey, Other Representatives Ask EPA To Finish 20-Year Reassessment of Dioxins


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Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and dozens of other members of Congress sent a letter April 11 to the Environmental Protection Agency asking Administrator Lisa P. Jackson to move "as quickly as possible" to complete its assessment of the human health effects of dioxin and dioxin-like chemicals. "The American people have waited for more than twenty years for EPA to complete its reassessment of the potential health risks of human exposure to dioxin," said the letter from Markey and 72 other members of the House. Markey is the ranking member of the House Committee on Natural Resources. In May 2009, EPA had said it would issue final assessment of dioxins by the end 2010 (40 ER 1249, 5/29/09). The congressional letter acknowledges that some of the recent delays have been to provide additional time for the EPA Science Advisory Board to review how the agency will respond to advice it received from the National Academies.
机译:众议员爱德华·J·马基(D-Mass。)和其他数十名国会议员于4月11日致信环境保护局,要求行政长官丽莎·P·杰克逊“尽快”完成对人体的评估。二恶英和二恶英类化学物质对健康的影响。马基和众议院其他72名成员的信中说:“美国人民已经等待EPA二十多年,以完成对人类暴露于二恶英的潜在健康风险的重新评估。” Markey是众议院自然资源委员会的排名成员。 EPA在2009年5月表示将在2010年底前发布对二恶英的最终评估(40 ER 1249,5 / 29/09)。国会函件承认,最近的一些延误是为EPA科学顾问委员会提供更多时间来审查该机构将如何响应从美国国家科学院收到的建议。



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