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Rival Engine Manufacturers Challenge Conformity Certificates Issued to Navistar


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The Environmental Protection Agency disregarded a prior federal appellate court decision when it refused to revoke certificates of conformity that allowed Navistar Inc. to exceed nitrogen oxides emissions standards for its engines, other engine manufacturers argued Sept. 11 (Daimler Trucks N. Am. LLC v. EPA, D.C. Cir., No. 12-1179, oral arguments 9/11/13). The EPA should have revoked Navistar's certificates of conformity after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated an interim final rule that would have allowed the company to pay penalties for producing heavy-duty diesel engines through 2012 that do not meet the nitrogen oxides emissions standard, Christopher Handman, a partner at Hogan Lovells LLP representing rival manufacturers, told the court during oral arguments.
机译:其他发动机制造商则在9月11日辩称,环境保护署拒绝撤销先前允许联邦政府Navistar Inc.超过其发动机氮氧化物排放标准的合格证书时,无视联邦上诉法院的先前决定。(Daimler Trucks N. Am。LLC v EPA,DC Cir。,No.12-1179,口头辩论9/11/13)。在美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院取消了一项临时最终规则后,EPA应当撤销Navistar的合格证书,该最终规则将使该公司能够因在2012年之前生产不符合氮标准的重型柴油发动机而受到罚款Hogan Lovells LLP合伙人代表竞争对手制造商的克里斯托弗·汉德曼(Christopher Handman)制定了氧化物排放标准,在口头辩论中告诉法庭。



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