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Species Consultation Seen as Less Onerous For States With Existing Cooling Water Rules


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Mid-Atlantic states won't find it as burdensome as other states to consult with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the NOAA Fisheries on whether discharge permits for cooling water intakes comply with the Endangered Species Act, a representative of state environmental officials said. States such as New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania that have a lot of cooling water intake structures have been dealing with ESA consultation for a long time because they have their own regulations in place. "They are comfortable with it," Alexandra Dunn, general counsel and executive director for the Environmental Council of the States, said at a "Clean Water Act: Law and Regulation" seminar, which was held Nov. 17 and 18.
机译:州环境官员的代表说,大西洋中部各州不会像其他州那样向美国鱼类和野生动物服务局或NOAA渔业咨询,以了解冷却水进水的排放许可是否符合《濒危物种法》。纽约州,新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州等拥有大量冷却水取水结构的州长期以来一直在与ESA协商,因为它们都有自己的法规。美国环境委员会总顾问兼执行董事亚历山德拉·邓恩(Alexandra Dunn)在11月17日至18日举行的“清洁水法:法律与法规”研讨会上说:“他们对此感到满意。”



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