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D.C. Circuit Rules Industry Groups Failed To Prove Standing in E15 Labeling Challenge


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A federal appeals court on Oct. 21 dismissed an in-dustry group challenge to a final Environmental Protection Agency regulation requiring warning labels on pumps selling gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol (E15), finding that the groups failed to establish standing Alliance of Auto. Mfrs. v. EPA, D.C. Cir., No. 11-1334, case dismissed 10/21/14). Judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit unanimously ruled the industry groups failed to establish standing because "they cannot show that their members have suffered or are threatened with suffering an injury in fact that is traceable to the regulation." Those concerns about standing featured prominently just three weeks ago in Oct. 6 oral arguments. Judges David Tatel, Janice Rogers Brown and Stephen Williams also said the current challenge suffered "similar flaws" to a previous case, which sought to overturn the EPA's Clean Air Act waivers allowing the use of E15, where the court found the same industry groups failed to demonstrate standing (Grocery Mfrs. Ass'n v. EPA, 2012 BL 210947, 693 F.3d 169 (D.C. Cir. 2012)).
机译:10月21日,联邦上诉法院驳回了一个行业团体对环境保护署最终法规的质疑,该法规要求在销售含15%乙醇的汽油的泵(E15)上加贴警告标签,认定该团体未能建立常设的汽车联盟。制造商诉EPA,哥伦比亚特区法院,第11-1334号,案件于10/21/14撤消)。美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院的法官一致裁定,该行业集团未能确立地位,因为“他们不能证明其成员实际上已经遭受或可能遭受伤害,这可以追溯到该法规。”仅在三周前的10月6日口头辩论中,对站立的担忧就突出了。法官戴维·塔特尔(David Tatel),珍妮丝·罗杰斯·布朗(Janice Rogers Brown)和史蒂芬·威廉姆斯(Stephen Williams)法官还说,当前的挑战与先前的案件有“相似的缺陷”,后者试图推翻允许使用E15的EPA的《清洁空气法》豁免,法院认为同一行业集团未能通过证明地位(Grocery Mfrs.Ass'n v.EPA,2012 BL 210947,693 F.3d 169(DC Cir.2012))。



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