首页> 外文期刊>Environment reporter >14 Areas Don't Meet Air Quality Standard For Fine Particulates, EPA Says in Proposal

14 Areas Don't Meet Air Quality Standard For Fine Particulates, EPA Says in Proposal


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The Environmental Protection Agency has identified 14 areas in six states as not meeting the 2012 national ambient air quality standard for fine particu-late matter and intends to designate those areas as non-attainment areas, according to the agency's website. The EPA posted a list of areas that don't meet the annual fine particulate matter standard of 12 micrograms per cubic meter, based on monitoring data from 2011-2013. Those areas include Cleveland, the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin and the San Joaquin Valley. The agency in January 2013 tightened the annual, health-based national ambient air quality standard for fine particles, which had been set at 15 micrograms per cubic meter, a move that was projected to result in annual health benefits of as much as $9.1 billion (78 Fed. Reg. 3,086; 43 ER 3253, 12/21/12)
机译:环境保护署的网站称,环境保护署已在六个州确定了14个不符合2012年国家细颗粒物环境空气质量标准的地区,并打算将这些地区指定为不达标地区。 EPA根据2011-2013年的监测数据发布了不符合年度细颗粒物标准(每立方米12微克)的区域清单。这些地区包括克里夫兰,洛杉矶-南海岸空气盆地和圣华金河谷。该机构于2013年1月收紧了以健康为基础的年度国家环境空气微粒标准,该标准设定为每立方米15微克,此举预计可带来每年91亿美元的健康收益( 78联邦法规3,086; 43 ER 3253,12/21/12)



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