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Third-Party CERCLA Defense Outcomes Uncertain Without Case Law, Attorney Says


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Parties may not have a good sense as to whether they qualify for a third-party defense against liability under the Superfund statute until the courts weigh in, given the unclear scope of their post-purchase obligations, a leading attorney said. Karl S. Bourdeau, a principal at Beveridge & Diamond PC, said there has been no conclusive legal resolution for what "reasonable steps" must be taken to completely stop continuing contaminant releases, prevent future releases and limit exposure to existing releases. "You are probably not going to know if you qualify for the defense until a plaintiff sues you and the court tells you whether you have," Bourdeau said. "That case law is not going to give you a heck of a lot of guidance."
机译:一位首席律师说,鉴于法院对他们的购买后义务范围不清楚,在直到法院审理之前,当事人是否有资格根据《超级基金法》对第三方承担抗辩责任。 Beveridge&Diamond PC的负责人Karl S. Bourdeau表示,对于必须采取什么“合理步骤”以完全停止持续的污染物排放,防止将来的排放并限制现有排放的暴露,尚无最终的法律解决方案。 Bourdeau说:“在原告起诉您并且法院告诉您您是否拥有辩护之前,您可能不会知道自己是否有资格获得辩护。” “该判例法不会给您很多指导。”



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