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Alaska Tribes, Local Governments Sue Interior Over Denial of King Cove Road


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The Interior Department's decision to block construction of a road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Alaska violated federal law, tribes and local governments alleged in a June 4 complaint (Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove v. Jewell, D. Alaska, docket number unavailable, 6/4/13). Interior Secretary Sally Jewell declined Dec. 23 to participate in a land swap that would have allowed the construction of a nearly 20-mile gravel road through the refuge. Her decision affirmed a Fish and Wildlife Service Feb. 5 final environmental impact statement that blocked the land swap because the service found that the road would cause irreparable environmental harm and cut the refuge for wildlife in half, which goes against its mission.
机译:内政部在6月4日的申诉中称,封锁在阿拉斯加西南部Izembek国家野生动物保护区修建道路的决定违反了联邦法律,部落和地方政府(King Cove v。Jewell,D. Alaska的Agdaagux部落,案卷号不可用,6/4/13)。内政大臣萨利·杰威尔(Sally Jewell)于12月23日拒绝参加土地置换,这将允许在避难所建造一条近20英里的碎石路。她的决定肯定了鱼类和野生动物服务局2月5日发布的最终环境影响声明,该声明阻止了土地交换,因为该服务局发现这条道路会造成无法弥补的环境损害,并将野生动植物保护区减半,这违背了其使命。



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