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Local Knowledge And Training Towards Management


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The urgency of managing marine resources is based on the fact that half of the world stocks are fully exploited,excluding those stocks that are already depleted.Artisanal fisheries in Brazil,both inland and coastal,are responsible for about half of the country's catches.Therefore,management of local artisanal fisheries is a necessity that provides an additional benefit,considering the observation that decentralization and the use of local ecological knowledge (LEK) in management have given better results than centralized,top-down management.In this study,a third system of knowledge-based on practice and training-is built from the local and scientific systems of knowledge,and a method to accomplish practical steps in local management is shown.Four elements are considered for the process of linking systems towards management:(1) an understanding of the natural environment of the fishery and on the use of natural resources by locals;(2) the knowledge of the marine area used by fishers,i.e.,location of fishing spots for each species;(3) the understanding of fisher behavior,e.g.,using tools from optimal foraging theory;and (4) the knowledge fishers have of the biology and ecology of species and their LEK,based on studies of the ethnobiology,ethnoecology,and ethnotaxonomy of fish.Considering the availability of publications on topics 1 and 2,illustrative cases are shown using optimal foraging models in Itaipu Beach,Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Bagre,Cananeia,Sao Paulo,and using common snook,Centropomus undecimalis,as an example for a target species.Finally,local programs including training courses using both scientific and local knowledge are proposed within coastal artisanal fisheries.
机译:管理海洋资源的紧迫性是基于这样一个事实,即世界上有一半的资源被充分利用,不包括那些已经枯竭的资源。巴西的手工渔业(包括内陆和沿海)占该国捕捞量的一半左右。 ,对地方手工渔业的管理是必要的,它还可以提供额外的好处,因为观察到权力下放和在管理中使用本地生态知识(LEK)比集中,自上而下的管理取得了更好的效果。建立在实践和培训基础上的知识体系,是从地方和科学知识体系中构建的,并提出了一种在本地管理中完成实际步骤的方法。将系统与管理联系起来的过程考虑了四个要素:(1)对渔业自然环境和当地人对自然资源利用的理解;(2)对渔民使用的海洋区域的了解,即。,每个物种的捕鱼点位置;(3)了解渔民的行为,例如使用最佳觅食理论的工具;以及(4)渔民基于研究对物种的生物学和生态学及其LEK的知识考虑到关于主题1和主题2的出版物的可用性,在伊塔普海滩,里约热内卢和圣保罗巴格里,加拿大,圣保罗和加拿大的最佳觅食模型中展示了示例性案例最后,在沿海手工渔业中提出了包括科学和地方知识培训课程在内的地方计划。



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