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Zootherapeutic uses of animals and their parts: an important element of the traditional knowledge of the Tangsa and Wancho of eastern Arunachal Pradesh, North-East India


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Using animals and their products to treat patients suffering from a range of health conditions has a long history and is still common in many parts of the world. We investigated such zootherapeutic uses among two tribes who inhabit different areas of North-East India: the Tangsa and the Wancho. Overexploitation of the animals they use, however, could endanger some species' survival and create imbalances in the ecosystem that ultimately could affect humans and animals of the region. In order to find solutions how humans and animals can continue to coexist harmoniously, it is essential to know which species and their products are sought after by the local healers. We found that the Tangsa make greater use of animals than Wancho and use predominantly a variety of mammals (47%) followed by birds (16%) of the 55 species of animals considered therapeutic by them. The Wancho informed us of using 20 species, of which birds and their products account for 37%, while mammals and insects feature in 26% and 21%, respectively. In both tribes, the remainder are distributed across different animal taxa. To treat ailments and diseases like joint, bone and muscle pains, Tangsa prefer to use the body fats of tiger, civet, hornbill, eagle and python. Wancho do not use any animal fats very often and prefer animal parts and marrow to be given to a sick person in cooked or roasted form. The bile of bears is used by both Tangsa and Wancho in that it is supposed to ameliorate pain-causing conditions such as stomach, head and toothaches and to reduce labour pains. The use of leeches to remove blood clots and the consumption of earthworms to ward off malaria has been recorded only from the Wancho, while Tangsa treat malaria sufferers with tortoise carapace extracts. The use of the flesh of roasted bat wings fed to children older than 4 years of age to stop bed-wetting seems unique to the Tangsa. Being aware of such folk medicinal traditions is important not just with regard to safeguarding the animal resource, but also in connection with the introduction of possible alternative treatment methods not involving animal zootherapies.
机译:使用动物及其产品治疗患有一系列健康状况的患者具有悠久的历史,并且在世界许多地区仍然很常见。我们调查了两个居住在印度东北地区的两个部落中的这种ZooTheAceic用途:唐宋和佛州。然而,他们使用的动物的过度消除可以危及一些物种的生存,并在生态系统中产生不平衡,最终可能影响该地区的人类和动物。为了寻找解决方案人类和动物如何和谐共存,必须了解当地治疗师以后寻求哪些物种及其产品。我们发现唐宋比六龙更少使用动物,主要用途各种哺乳动物(47%),然后用鸟类(16%)被认为是治疗的55种动物。 WANCHO通知我们使用20种物种,其中鸟类及其产品占37%,而哺乳动物和昆虫的特征分别为26%和21%。在两个部落中,其余部分分布在不同的动物分类群中。为了治疗像联合,骨骼和肌肉痛苦等疾病和疾病,唐宋更喜欢使用虎,威丝,犀鸟,老鹰和蟒蛇的身体脂肪。 Wancho不要经常使用任何动物脂肪,更喜欢动物零件和骨髓,以便以熟或烤的形式给予病人。唐宋和汉尚使用熊的胆汁,因为它应该改善胃,头部和牙齿等疼痛导致的病症,并减少劳动疼痛。利用水蛭去除血栓和蚯蚓的消费,避免疟疾躲避疟疾,而唐宋患有乌龟甲壳提取物的疟疾患者。使用烤蝙蝠翅膀的肉喂养到4岁的儿童停止卧床润湿似乎是独一无二的。意识到这样的民间药用传统不仅仅是在保护动物资源方面是重要的,而且还与引入不涉及动物Zootapies的可能的替代治疗方法。



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