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Posthuman policies for creative, smart, eco-cities? Case studies from China


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Policies promoting creative, smart, sustainable cities continue to dominate global urban policy scripts. This article explores how posthuman assumptions embedded in such scripts render the socially embodied human invisible and analyzes cases of their rationalization and enactment within China. The article concludes that understandings of creativity in Chinese urban aesthetics expose premises of globally promoted urban policy scripts more transparently than those informed by European aesthetic traditions. The Chinese city is understood to manifest the creative obsessions of humans rather than to actualize a transcendent, idealized vision separate from that of its human creators. This resembles Guy Debord's idea that what we see in the world-how the world is architected-is a materialization of triumphant ideologies. The contemporary Chinese city, incentivized by the entrepreneurial state, makes visible Debord's globally dominant "integrated spectacular." Once creativity and intelligence are rationalized, the autonomous "creative," "smart," "eco" city is branded in a global supply chain of city production. Consequently, the posthuman city need not account for the conditions under which embodied humans are actually inspired to create and adequately compensated for their creations. Rather than attributing the failure of posthuman policies in Chinese cities to Chinese exceptionalism, these cases expose universal fault lines in the policies themselves.
机译:促进创意,智慧,可持续城市发展的政策继续主导着全球城市政策脚本。本文探讨了嵌入在此类脚本中的后人类假设如何使社会体现的人类不可见,并分析了它们在中国的合理化和制定的案例。文章的结论是,对中国城市美学的创造力理解比欧洲美学传统所揭示的前提更透明地揭示了全球推广的城市政策脚本的前提。人们认为中国城市表现出对人类的创造性痴迷,而不是实现与人类创造者不同的超越,理想化的愿景。这类似于盖伊·德伯德(Guy Debord)的想法,即我们在世界上看到的-世界是如何构建的-是胜利意识形态的具体化。受企业家国家激励的当代中国城市,使Debord在全球占据统治地位的“综合壮观”可见一斑。一旦创造力和智慧得到合理化,自治的“创意”,“智能”,“生态”城市在城市生产的全球供应链中打上烙印。因此,后人类的城市无需考虑实际启发实际人类创造创造并对其创造进行充分补偿的条件。这些案例没有将中国城市的后人类政策的失败归因于中国的例外主义,而是暴露了政策本身的普遍缺陷。



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