首页> 外文期刊>Environment and planning >Nunamii'luni quvianaqtuq (It is a happy moment to be on the land): Feelings, freedom and the spatial political ontology of well-being in Gjoa Haven and Tikiranajuk, Nunavut

Nunamii'luni quvianaqtuq (It is a happy moment to be on the land): Feelings, freedom and the spatial political ontology of well-being in Gjoa Haven and Tikiranajuk, Nunavut

机译:Nunamii'luni Quvianaqtuq(这是一个幸福的时刻,在土地上):感受,自由和幸福的空间政治本体论,幸福于Gjoa Haven和Tikiranajuk,Nunavut

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In Uqsuqtuuq (Gjoa Haven, Nunavut), we worked with Uqsuqtuurmiut (people of Uqsuqtuuq) on local priorities of caribou and well-being. We learned about the importance of relationality. In order to follow relations and their effects, we draw upon health geography concepts: therapeutic landscape and environmental dispossession. As therapeutic techniques, Uqsuqtuurmiut practice their knowledge and norms with people; animals; and the land, water and sea ice towards physical and emotional gains. They also make health discourses that can be beneficial. The social aspects of this environmental investment move beyond the individuation found in the hamlet to produce a sense of unity (or freedom) with emotional benefit. It was ultimately expressed as the happiness inherent to being 'on the land' and well-being. Moreover, we draw on relational materialism to illustrate not only a holistic form of well-being, but also how Uqsuqtuurmiut self-landscape encounters involve the spatialization of ontological difference. To better appreciate how this therapeutic worlding experience provides emotional gains related to self-determination, we reframe freedom from simply being the erasure of interpersonal borders to also include a sense of interdependence and collective autonomy. We further explain happiness as the therapeutic benefit of an Uqsuqtuurmiut spatial political ontology.
机译:在UQSUQTUUQ(GJOA HAVEN,NUNAVUT),我们与UQSUQTUURMIUT(UQSUQTUUQ人民)合作,就驯鹿和幸福的优先事项。我们了解了关系的重要性。为了遵循关系及其影响,我们借鉴了健康地理概念:治疗景观和环境爆发。作为治疗技术,UQSUQTUURMIUT与人们实践他们的知识和规范;动物;和土地,水和海冰朝身体和情感收益。他们还制造了能够有益的健康话语。这种环境投资的社会方面超出了哈姆雷特中发现的个性化,以产生统一(或自由)的情感效益。它最终表达为“在土地上”和福祉所固有的幸福。此外,我们利用关系唯物主义来说明,不仅可以说明整体形式的福祉,还要涉及如何涉及本体差异的空间化。为了更好地欣赏这种治疗性的世界经验如何提供与自我决定相关的情感增益,我们将自由从简单的是人际境界的擦除,也包括相互依存和集体自治感。我们进一步解释了幸福作为UQSuqTuurmiut空间政治本体的治疗益处。




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