首页> 外文期刊>Environment and planning >Consciousness as claiming: Practice and habit in an enigmatic world

Consciousness as claiming: Practice and habit in an enigmatic world


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There has been increasing interest in recent years on the non-cognitive nature of human existence. Self-conscious thought and reflective action are no longer seen to be the defining feature of the human condition nor an anchor for social life. On the contrary, material practice and habitual engagements are the abiding mechanisms by which everyday life is sutured. One of the consequences of this perspective is its abbreviated conception of human consciousness. In the literature on habit and practical engagement, consciousness is conceptualised primarily in terms of self-perception and awareness. The aim of this article is to put forth the thesis that human consciousness is not just an awareness of the self - it is also a 'claim'. Drawing upon the psycho-analytic work of Jean Laplanche, the paper argues that consciousness emerges as subjects reckon with existential problems that are as imminent to everyday life as the concrete problems and practical tasks. In this framing, consciousness emerges as a desire to claim oneself as a self in the face of problems that exceed our practical capacities. Consciousness is a claim in the sense that it marks a desire to be a self-standing, self-possessed subject, within a precarious and enigmatic world.
机译:近年来,人们对人类生存的非认知性质越来越感兴趣。自觉的思想和反思的行动不再被视为人类状况的决定性特征,也不是社会生活的基础。相反,物质实践和习惯性接触是缝合日常生活的持久机制。这种观点的后果之一是它对人类意识的缩写。在关于习惯和实际参与的文献中,意识主要是根据自我感知和意识来概念化的。本文的目的是提出这样一个论点,即人类意识不仅是对自我的意识,而且也是一种“要求”。借助让·拉普兰奇(Jean Laplanche)进行的心理分析工作,论文认为,意识随着主体逐渐意识到存在于现实生活中的问题(如具体问题和实际任务)而出现。在这种构架中,意识是在面对超出我们实际能力的问题时要求自己成为自我的一种愿望。从某种意义上说,意识是一种要求,它标志着人们希望在一个不稳定而神秘的世界中成为一个自立,自我拥有的主体。



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