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Design, translation, citizenship: reflections on the virtual (de)territorialization of the US-Mexico border


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Taking Zygmunt Bauman and Etienne Balibar's reflections on translation as its point of departure, this paper considers how the practice of translation operates through the discourse and practice of 'design'. Specifically, it considers how design translates the US-Mexico border region into both a territorializing topography of cruelty where violence directed against undocumented migrants is so extreme that it appears to us to be worse than death and a virtual deterritorializing topography of civility where a collective participation in public practices to assist undocumented migrants is possible. It does this by analyzing US defensive designs (US border fence, surveillance) that inhibit the free flow of people across this border versus design projects by Judi Werthein (Brinco/Jump), Ricardo Dominguez et al (Transborder Immigrant Tool), and Robert Ransick (Casa Segura/Safe House) that enable the safer passage of undocumented migrants crossing through this border region. It concludes by reflecting on the limits of translation. Specifically, it considers how the always incompleteness yet overloadedness of translation-the 'almost' of translation-means that the virtual deterritorializing designs discussed in this paper place border subjects in positions of almost mobility, almost legality, almost hospitality, almost cruelty, and almost civility. In so doing, these designs go some way toward demonstrating how virtual deterritorializing practices of translation might make it possible, as Etienne Balibar puts it, "to 'appropriate' or 'inhabit' a transnational political space and transform it into a new public sphere" while at the same time materializing many of the "almost civilities" that are also "almost cruelties" that are activated in any call-including Balibar's-for us to become active citizens again.
机译:本文以齐格蒙特·鲍曼(Zygmunt Bauman)和艾蒂安·巴里巴尔(Etienne Balibar)对翻译的思考为出发点,考虑了翻译实践如何通过“设计”的论述和实践来运作。具体而言,它考虑了设计如何将美国-墨西哥边境地区转变为残酷的地域地形,在这种地形中,针对无证移民的暴力是如此极端,以至于我们认为它比死亡更糟,并且在虚拟地域化了文明的地形,其中集体参与在公共实践中可以协助无证移民。它是通过分析禁止防御人员跨境自由流动的美国防御性设计(美国边境围栏,监视)与朱迪·韦尔丁(Brinco / Jump),里卡多·多明格斯等(跨境移民工具)和罗伯特·兰西克的设计项目来进行的(Casa Segura /安全房)可以使越过边境地区的无证移民更安全地通过。最后,通过思考翻译的限制。具体而言,它考虑了本文中讨论的虚拟去域化设计如何始终将翻译的“不完整”和“繁重”(即翻译的“几乎”)置于边界主体处于几乎流动性,合法性,好客性,残酷性和几乎礼貌。通过这样做,这些设计在某种程度上证明了翻译的虚拟去域化实践如何使之成为可能,正如艾蒂安·巴里巴尔(Etienne Balibar)所说的那样,“'适当'或'居住'跨国政治空间并将其转变为新的公共领域”。同时实现许多“几乎是残酷”的“几乎文明”,包括“巴厘巴”在内的任何呼吁都使我们再次成为活跃的公民。



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