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Introduction to Henri Lefebvre's 'Dissolving city,planetary metamorphosis'

机译:亨利·勒费弗尔(Henri Lefebvre)的“溶解的城市,行星变态”简介

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Henri Lefebvre published this short, enigmatic essay in Le Monde diplomatique in 1989, two years before his death, presumably having written it at his family home in Navarrenx. At the time he was working with his circle of younger collaborators in the Groupe de Navarrenx on the volume subsequently published as Du control de citoyennete (Lefebvre and Groupe de Navarrenx, 1990). Although "Dissolving city, planetary metamorphosis" is brief and intended for a broad readership, it is a rich document, both as a retrospective on Lefebvre's urban thought and as an intellectual and political reference point for contemporary debates on planetary urbanization. The essay was discussed at length in a provocative recent article by Andy Merrifield (2011); it likewise serves a framing role in a newly published volume on planetary urbanization (Brenner, 2013). Within our research group on urban theory, a small team translated the piece for internal circulation and discussion; we have now obtained permission from the French copyright holder to publish the translated text here. We are grateful to Stuart Elden for supporting this project and for offering us a venue for the release of this brief but suggestive text, which is among Lefebvre's final publications.
机译:亨利·勒费弗尔(Henri Lefebvre)于1989年,即去世前两年,在《世界报》(Le Monde)外交中发表了这篇简短的,神秘的文章,大概是在他在纳瓦伦克斯(Navarrenx)的家中写的。当时,他正与纳瓦伦集团(Groupe de Navarrenx)的年轻合作者圈子一起工作,随后出版了《 Du control de citoyennete》(Lefebvre and Groupe de Navarrenx,1990)。尽管“溶解城市,行星变态”是简短的文章,旨在供广大读者阅读,但它是一份丰富的文献,既可以回顾勒菲弗尔的城市思想,又可以作为当代关于行星城市化辩论的思想和政治参考。安迪·梅里菲尔德(Andy Merrifield)在最近的一篇引人入胜的文章(2011年)中详细讨论了这篇文章;它在新近出版的有关行星城市化的一卷中也起到了框架作用(Brenner,2013年)。在我们的城市理论研究小组中,一个小团队翻译了该文章,以供内部发行和讨论。我们现在已经获得法国版权持有者的许可,可以在此处发布翻译后的文本。我们感谢Stuart Elden支持该项目,并为我们提供了发布该简短但有启发性的文本的场所,这是Lefebvre的最终出版物之一。



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