首页> 外文期刊>Environment and planning >On the political nature of cyanobacteria: intra-active collective politics in Loweswater, the English Lake District

On the political nature of cyanobacteria: intra-active collective politics in Loweswater, the English Lake District


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How can the politics of nature be envisioned for an age conscious of the complexity, contingency, and relationality of the world? What new practices are required to do justice to the recognition that the potential to act, shape, and change emerging worlds lies within complex epistemological and ontological relations? This paper describes an interdisciplinary study conducted between 2007 and 2010 in Loweswater, the English Lake District, that addressed these questions. Here, for three years, a 'new collective' as described by Latour emerged that carried out its own epistemological and ontological experiments: the Loweswater Care Project (LCP). The LCP was shaped by ideas about 'new collectives' and the commitment to understanding material 'intra-action' in situ. This inspired an appreciation of the radical relationality of people and things, and an approach to doing politics with things that we term 'intra-active collective polities'. In this paper we highlight the consequences of this approach for knowing, but also for action and 'management'. The research and the experimental forum of the LCP lie at a crossroads between the preoccupations of environmental management (particularly catchment management), the concerns of science and technology studies, and posthumanist thinking.
机译:对于一个意识到世界的复杂性,偶然性和关系性的时代,如何设想自然政治?要认识到采取行动,塑造和改变新兴世界的潜力在于复杂的认识论和本体论关系之内,需要采取哪些新措施来实现正义?本文介绍了2007年至2010年在英格兰湖区洛斯沃特进行的跨学科研究,该研究解决了这些问题。在这里,三年来,出现了由拉图尔描述的“新集体”,它进行了自己的认识论和本体论实验:洛斯沃特关怀计划(LCP)。 LCP受关于“新集体”的想法以及对就地理解物质“内部行动”的承诺的影响。这激发了人们与事物之间的激进关系的认识,并激发了一种我们称之为“积极的集体政治”的事物进行政治的方法。在本文中,我们重点介绍了这种方法不仅对知识有影响,而且对行动和“管理”也有影响。 LCP的研究和实验论坛位于环境管理(尤其是流域管理)的关注,科学技术研究的关注和后人文主义思维之间的交叉点。



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