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Two Canals, Two Barrages and the Remnants of a River: Nature and Technology Along the Eider, Schleswig-Holstein's Longest River


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The construction of the Eider Canal (build between 1774 and 1784) and especially of the Kiel Canal (1886-1895) had severe consequences for the river Eider. Most notably a vicious circle was generated whose main elements were growing sedimentation, the growing impact of the North Sea tides far upstream and increasingly catastrophic floods. After decades of planning, a tidal barrage began operating in 1938. Instead of bringing relief to the suffering residents it only deepened the crisis. Sedimentation increased even more until sand clogged the riverbed almost completely. The devastating storm flood of 1962 mobilised political and financial support to realise a plan engineers had been developing since the early twentieth century. Between 1967 and 1973 the Eider was dammed off in the estuary and a floodgate today controls the river's hydrology.
机译:绒鸭运河(建于1774年至1784年之间)的建设,尤其是基尔运河(1886-1895年)的建造,对绒鸭河造成了严重后果。最值得注意的是,形成了一个恶性循环,其主要因素是沉积物的增长,北海潮汐对上游的影响越来越大以及洪灾日益加剧。经过数十年的计划,1938年开始出现潮汐弹幕。它并没有为受苦难的居民提供救济,反而加剧了危机。沉积物增加甚至更多,直到沙子几乎完全堵塞了河床。 1962年毁灭性的暴雨洪水动员了政治和财政支持,以实现自20世纪初以来工程师一直在制定的计划。在1967年至1973年之间,绒鸭被挡在河口,而如今的闸门控制着河流的水文状况。



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