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From Bodhisattva Earth to Man-Made Meat Essence: Famine Foods in Late Qing, Nationalist and Maoist China


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This article examines change and continuity in the selection, conceptualisation and state-sponsorship of 'famine foods' in late Qing, Nationalist and Maoist China. It employs as case studies the following severe famines that struck North China under three markedly different regimes:the North China Famine of 1876-79, the Henan Famine of 1942/43 and the Great Leap Famine of 1958-62. Continuities that cut across the three periods include the particular non-grain foods - beginning with tree bark and wild plants and extending to Bodhisattva earth (Guanyin tu) - consumedat the local level, and a tradition of elite involvement in identifying and endorsing items that could relieve starvation. The terms used to describe survival foods changed significantly, however, as did the rationale for promoting such foods. Moreover, as twentieth-century Chinese modernisersjoined their Western counterparts in championing the use of science and technology to address food crises and other disasters, state-run health and scientific agencies played an increasingly active role in testing and promoting recipes for non-grain foods. This trend reached its zenith duringthe Great Leap Famine, when the government launched a 'food substitute' (daishipin) campaign that aimed to address food shortages without reducing grain quotas by encouraging the mass-production of food substitutes such as chlorella and artificial meat. This campaign can be understoodas a sharp departure from Qing China's grain-centred famine relief policies, a radical extension of rhetoric and priorities laid out during the Nationalist period and a case of high modernism gone badly awry.
机译:本文审查了在清末,民族主义和毛派中国的“饥荒食品”选择,概念化和国家赞助中的变迁和连续性。它雇用作为案例研究,以下严重饥荒在三个明显不同的制度下袭击了华北地区:1942/43年的河南饥荒和1958 - 62年的河南饥荒和1958-62的大跃饥荒的北亚饥荒。持续跨越三个时期的连续性包括特定的非谷物食品 - 从树皮和野生植物开始,并延伸到菩萨地球(观音图) - 消费地方一级,以及精英参与识别和认可的物品的传统。缓解饥饿。然而,用于描述生存食物的术语显着变化,因此促进此类食物的理由是明显的。此外,由于二十世纪的中国人工人加入了他们的西方同行,支持科技的使用,以解决食物危机和其他灾难,国有健康和科学机构在测试和促进非谷物食品的食谱方面发挥了越来越积极的作用。这一趋势在伟大的飞跃饥荒期间达到了天顶,当时政府推出了一个旨在解决粮食短缺而没有减少粮食短缺的粮食短缺,通过鼓励粮食替代品如小球藻和人造肉类的批量生产来达成粮食短缺的竞争。这场广告系列可以理解清华以青春期的谷物豁免政策急剧出发,在民族时期下设的修辞和优先事项的激进延伸,以及高现代主义的案例变得严重。



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