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Court Rejects EPA Bid To Stall GHG Permit Suit Pending Other Litigation


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A federal appeals court has rejected EPA's bid to put on hold lawsuits over the agency's greenhouse gas (GHG) permitting program pending the outcome of existing litigation over other aspects of EPA's climate program, which could revive concerns that different courts may issue conflicting rulings on the legality of the various GHG rules. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit's July 6 denial of EPA's motion to hold the GHG permitting rule suit in abeyance comes as briefing advances in a 10th Circuit case also challenging the permit rule. In that case, State of Wyoming v. EPA, petitioners argue that EPA's so-called "SIP Call," which identified 13 states whose state implementation plans (SIPs) were inadequate to enforce the agency's new GHG permitting rules, was unlawful and unconstitutional. They also challenge EPA's decision to directly take over GHG permitting in Wyoming.
机译:联邦上诉法院拒绝了EPA的提议,即在该机构针对EPA气候计划其他方面的现有诉讼结果之前,搁置该机构的温室气体(GHG)许可程序的诉讼,这可能会引起人们对以下问题的担忧:不同法院可能会对EPA的气候计划做出相互矛盾的裁决。各种温室气体规则的合法性。美国上诉法院针对哥伦比亚特区巡回法院7月6日否认EPA暂时搁置GHG许可规则诉讼的动议,与此同时,第10巡回法院的情况简介也对许可规则提出了挑战。在这种情况下,请愿者州(State of Wyoming诉EPA)提出申诉,辩称EPA的所谓“ SIP呼吁”认定13个州的州实施计划(SIP)不足以执行该机构的新温室气体排放许可规则,是非法和违宪的。他们还质疑EPA决定直接接管怀俄明州温室气体许可证的决定。



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