首页> 外文期刊>Inside EPA's environmental policy alert >States Urged To Make Case For RPS Credit In EPA NSPS For Existing Utilities

States Urged To Make Case For RPS Credit In EPA NSPS For Existing Utilities

机译:州敦促为现有公用事业机构在EPA NSPS中提供RPS抵免额

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EPA's top air office attorney is urging states to make the case for the agency to credit their renewable portfolio standards (RPS) in EPA's pending climate new source performance standard (NSPS) for existing utilities, one of several key issues the agency will review as it embarks on "listening sessions" to take input on the upcoming rule. Joe Goffman, senior counsel in EPA's Office of Air and Radiation, says the agency assumes it will be "of great interest" for some states to have their RPS programs credited under the NSPS. EPA is crafting the rule under section 11 l(d) of the Clean Air Act and will set general greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction guidelines and give states flexibility on how they meet the guidelines, with the agency deciding whether to approve the plans or impose a federal plan.
机译:EPA的高级航空办公室律师敦促各州将其可再生能源投资组合标准(RPS)归功于EPA即将为现有公用事业制定的气候新源绩效标准(NSPS),这是该机构将审查的几个关键问题之一着手“听课”以就即将到来的规则进行输入。 EPA空气与辐射办公室高级顾问Joe Goffman表示,该机构认为,某些州将其RPS计划归入NSPS计划将“引起极大兴趣”。 EPA正在根据《清洁空气法》第11 l(d)条制定规则,并将制定总体温室气体(GHG)减少准则,并让各州灵活选择如何满足准则,并由环保局决定批准计划还是实施联邦计划。



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