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Automakers To Seek Strict EPA Oversight Of States' Clean Car Programs


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Automakers will soon seek a meeting with top EPA officials to call for strict federal oversight of states' programs to implement a California zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate, with the industry fearing that inadequate state planning, insufficient infrastructure and other limitations will create inconsistent implementation harmful to the sector. The push for EPA oversight - which automakers will pitch to officials including EPA air chief Gina McCarthy, nominated to be the next agency administrator - follows an industry petition to EPA to reconsider its December approval of the ZEV mandate, which took the form of a Clean Air Act waiver for California.
机译:汽车制造商不久将寻求与EPA高层官员举行会议,呼吁对实施加州零排放车辆(ZEV)指令的州计划进行严格的联邦监督,业内人士担心,州规划不足,基础设施不足和其他限制会造成矛盾。实施对该部门有害。 EPA监督的推动-汽车制造商将向包括EPA航空局长吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)在内的官员推销,后者被任命为下一任机构管理人-在向EPA发出行业请愿书以重新考虑其12月份批准ZEV任务授权后,采取了“清洁”的形式。加州航空法豁免。



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