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World Trade Center Project Likely To Cost $350 Million


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The 4.5-acre, multilevel World Trade Center Site Memorial will cost approximately $350 million, including $175 million for infrastructure, say New York state officials. Though groundbreaking for the project is set for Sept. 11, officials have not yet released a schedule or finish date. On Jan. 14, the Lower Manhattan Development Corp., with New York Gov.George E. Pataki (R) and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg (R), unveiled the revised design of Reflecting Absence, the memorial competition winner announced Jan. 6 (ENR 1/12 p. 7). But even the revision, based on input from WTC master planner Daniel Libeskind, will continue to evolve, said Vartan Gregorian, spokesman for the C9mpetition's 13-member, unpaid jury.
机译:纽约州官员说,这座占地4.5英亩的多层世界贸易中心遗址纪念馆将耗资约3.5亿美元,其中包括1.75亿美元的基础设施建设。尽管该项目的开工时间定于9月11日,但官员们尚未公布时间表或完成日期。 1月14日,下曼哈顿发展公司与纽约州州长乔治·帕塔基(R.George E. Pataki)(R)和市长迈克尔·彭博(Michael R. Bloomberg)(R)共同发布了《反光缺席》(Reflecting Absence)的修订设计,纪念比赛的获胜者于1月6日宣布(ENR 1/12第7页)。 C9mpetition 13人无薪陪审团发言人Vartan Gregorian表示,即使根据WTC总体规划师Daniel Libeskind的意见进行的修订也将继续发展。



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