首页> 外文期刊>Engineering in Miniature >Phoenix the Foster- a 4' Scale Traction Engine built from a Disability Scooter

Phoenix the Foster- a 4' Scale Traction Engine built from a Disability Scooter


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Phoenix is a 4" scale freelance Foster showman's tractor. It stands proudly in any line up of miniature traction engines with whisps of smoke rising from the chimney. It chuffs around the rally field, easily hauling a couple of adults and children all day long, and it ticks over nicely with a gentle rocking motion as the flywheel and motion rotate. However, this is no ordinary steam engine, in fact it isn't a steam engine at all, it's an electric 24-volt disability scooter in disguise! I have until recently owned a 4" scale live steam traction engine. However, I also have two young children and it can be a bit of a worry where small children and hot engines are concerned. It can also be a bit problematic at steam rallies when you are trying to keep the engine topped up with water and coal, while also trying to spend quality time with the family. In addition to those issues, you also have to plan ahead if you want to give the children a ride on a Sunday afternoon - it's not something you can just do for half an hour and then go in for a tea! I consequently started to think about the alternatives such as a miniature diesel roller or petrol lorry.



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