首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management >Toward Trust in Internet of Things Ecosystems: Design Principles for Blockchain-Based IoT Applications

Toward Trust in Internet of Things Ecosystems: Design Principles for Blockchain-Based IoT Applications


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The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the concept of physical objects equipped with identifying, sensing, networking, and processing capabilities being connected to the Internet. Architectures for the IoT typically rely on transmitting data to centralized cloud servers for processing. Although cloud services are supposed to enhance the IoT in storage, computation, and communication capabilities, this approach often generates isolated data silos and requires trust in third parties operating the cloud servers, which become single point of failure. In addition, centralized cloud-based applications lack transparency and allow for undetected manipulation and concealment of IoT data. To overcome these downsides, we develop and evaluate a blockchain-based IoT sensor data logging and monitoring system, employing a design science research approach. In this article, we show that such systems should provide modularity, data parsimony, and availability in addition to domain-specific principles. The prototype improves data integrity and availability but uncovers challenges, such as high operating costs through smart contract computation fees. Furthermore, semistructured interviews with practitioners allowed us to derive insights for developing blockchain-based IoT ecosystems and reveal that cooperation with organizations is key for transferring solutions into production. We contribute to the IoT knowledge base by providing design principles as well as managerial and technological recommendations.
机译:事物互联网(物联网)描述了配备有识别,传感,网络和处理能力的物理对象的概念连接到Internet。 IOT的体系结构通常依赖于将数据传输到集中云服务器以进行处理。虽然云服务应该在存储,计算和通信能力中增强IoT,但这种方法通常会生成隔离数据孤岛,并且需要在操作云服务器的第三方的信任,这成为单点故障。此外,基于集中的基于云的应用程序缺乏透明度并允许未检测到的操纵和隐藏物联网数据。为了克服这些缺点,我们开发和评估基于区块的IOT传感器数据记录和监控系统,采用设计科学研究方法。在本文中,除了特定于域的原则之外,此类系统还应提供模块化,数据定义和可用性。原型提高了数据完整性和可用性,而是通过智能合同计算费用揭示挑战,例如高运营成本。此外,与从业者的半系统访谈使我们能够获得开发基于区块链的IOT生态系统的见解,并揭示与组织的合作是将解决方案转移到生产中的关键。我们通过提供设计原则以及管理和技术建议,为物联网知识库做出贡献。



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