首页> 外文期刊>Energy >Thermoeconomical analysis of CO_2 removal from the Corex export gas and its integration with the blast-furnace assembly and metallurgical combined heat and power (CHP) plant

Thermoeconomical analysis of CO_2 removal from the Corex export gas and its integration with the blast-furnace assembly and metallurgical combined heat and power (CHP) plant


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The paper presents the possibility of integration of the Corex process, blast furnace, CO_2 removal installation and metallurgical combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Such an integration has significant advantages from the technical and environmental points of view. As the Corex export gas (after CO_2 removal) is a highly valuable reducing agent it is proposed to use it as a reducing gas injected to the thermal reserve zone of the blast-furnace process. Such an application leads first of all to a saving of coke. Besides the reduction of the consumption of coke, also the consumption of blast, high-purity oxygen, the amount and lower heating value (LHV) of blast-furnace gas as well as many other parameters are changed. CO_2 separation is realized by physical absorption, which has been chosen and analysed as the most appropriate technology in similar applications. Higher LHV of the Corex gas obtained by CO_2 removal provides the possibility of its utilization in the gas-and-steam CHP plant. Such a possibility has been also tested by means of energy and economical analyses.
机译:本文介绍了将Corex工艺,高炉,CO_2去除装置和冶金热电联产(CHP)装置集成的可能性。从技术和环境的角度来看,这种集成具有明显的优势。由于Corex出口气体(去除CO_2后)是一种非常有价值的还原剂,因此建议将其用作注入高炉工艺热储备区的还原气体。这种应用首先导致节省焦炭。除了减少焦炭消耗外,还改变了高炉的消耗,高纯度氧气,高炉煤气的数量和较低的热值(LHV)以及许多其他参数。 CO_2的分离是通过物理吸收来实现的,物理吸收已被选择和分析为类似应用中最合适的技术。通过去除CO_2所获得的Corex气体的较高LHV提供了将其用于燃气和蒸汽CHP厂的可能性。这种可能性也已经通过能源和经济分析得到了检验。



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