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Energy security, policy and technology in South East Europe: Presenting and applying an energy security index to Croatia


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During the last decade a number of long-held tenets of the energy sector have been rewritten. With the rise of new technologies and the help of policies favouring RES (renewable energy sources) a transformation of our understanding of the energy system and its possibilities has encouraged dramatic changes in the World's energy landscape. As some importers became exporters, countries long-defined as significant energy exporters became centres of demand growth. In these turbulent times, it is the awareness of the dynamics underpinning energy markets that is crucial for both decision-makers and investors to form informed opinions on how to reconcile a string of technical, environmental, economic and social factors in order to provide for best solutions regarding country specifics and demands. The right combination of policies and technologies could fuel economic growth, whilst still providing secure and affordable energy in line with low-carbon goals. Those that might successfully anticipate energy developments can derive a significant advantage on the market, while those that fail to recognise the importance of new movements risk making poor policy and investment decisions. In this light and following the accession of Croatia in the European Union, a number of questions are raised regarding the country's energy sector legal framework and development policy and their ability to cope with the demands faced. Taking Croatia as a practical example, the impact of different development strategies is considered through the application of a novel approach suggested by the paper. This study presents an overview aimed to help clarify some of the aspects behind forming a successful framework capable of making the right decisions for the future, today. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在过去的十年中,能源领域的许多长期宗旨已被改写。随着新技术的兴起以及有利于RES(可再生能源)的政策的帮助,我们对能源系统及其可能性的理解的转变促进了世界能源格局的急剧变化。随着一些进口商成为出口商,长期以来被定义为重要能源出口国的国家成为需求增长的中心。在当前动荡的时代,对于能源市场基础的认识对于决策者和投资者而言至关重要,他们对于如何调和一系列技术,环境,经济和社会因素形成明智的意见,以便提供最佳的服务。有关具体国家和要求的解决方案。政策和技术的正确结合可以推动经济增长,同时仍可提供符合低碳目标的安全且负担得起的能源。那些可能成功预测能源发展的企业可能会在市场上获得重大优势,而那些未能认识到新趋势的重要性的企业可能会做出糟糕的政策和投资决策。有鉴于此,在克罗地亚加入欧洲联盟之后,人们对该国的能源部门法律框架和发展政策及其满足所面临需求的能力提出了许多疑问。以克罗地亚为例,通过本文提出的一种新方法,考虑了不同发展战略的影响。这项研究提出了一个概述,旨在帮助阐明构成一个能够为当今的未来做出正确决策的成功框架背后的某些方面。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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