首页> 外文期刊>Energy Policy >Target-aimed Versus Wishful-thinking In Designing Efficient Ghg Reduction Strategies For A Metropolitan City: Taipei

Target-aimed Versus Wishful-thinking In Designing Efficient Ghg Reduction Strategies For A Metropolitan City: Taipei


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In recent years, many national and local governments claim for a specific GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction goal targeted for many years later. In 2005, the Taipei City government announced that Taipei's total GHG emission in 2015 will reach the same level as that in 2005 and then down to 75% of that level at year 2030. However, based on the estimated energy consumption and GHG emission and the proposed emission reduction plans from the local government, it is clear that these goals are not going to be accomplished. In Taipei, the residential and commercial sector contributes more than 78% of the total GHG emission. Thus, in a business as usual scenario, the total GHG emission in 2030 would be 79% more than that in 2005, far more than the target value proclaimed. As many key factors are uncontrollable by the local government, a target-aimed strategy designing process by looking into changes in Taipei and identifying major targets is proposed in this study. It is demonstrated that such a universally applicable approach will give more confidence to the public on working toward the expected GHG reduction goal.
机译:近年来,许多国家和地方政府都声称要在多年后制定特定的温室气体减排目标。 2005年,台北市政府宣布,台北市2015年的温室气体总排放量将达到2005年的水平,然后到2030年降至该水平的75%。但是,根据估算的能源消耗和温室气体排放量以及地方政府提出的减排计划,显然这些目标将无法实现。在台北,住宅和商业部门占温室气体总排放量的78%以上。因此,在一切照旧的情况下,2030年的温室气体总排放量将比2005年增加79%,远远超过所宣布的目标值。由于许多关键因素是地方政府无法控制的,因此本研究提出了通过调查台北市的变化并确定主要目标的目标制战略设计过程。事实证明,这种普遍适用的方法将使公众更有信心实现预期的温室气体减排目标。



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