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Asymmetric responses in the timing, and magnitude, of changes in Australian monthly petrol prices to daily oil price changes


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AbstractThis article investigates whether uncompetitive pricing tactics are being employed in the retail petrol market in Australia through examining the effect of a change in daily oil prices on monthly petrol prices. To do so, we incorporate asymmetry into the coefficients of a normalised beta weighting function within an Asymmetric Mixed Data Sampling (AMIDAS) framework. This enables us to examine both the timing, and the lagged marginal effects, of a change in retail petrol prices in response to a change in the oil price. We find evidence of asymmetries in both the timing, and magnitude, of retail petrol prices to a change in the oil price. Specifically, we find that while price falls are slowly and symmetrically passed onto consumers, price increases are more delayed, but higher in intensity over time. Depending on the capital city, when retailers eventually do increase petrol prices, in response to an oil price rise with delay, the price rise is between 2.1 and 3.4 times more than when retailers reduce petrol prices in response to a fall in the price of oil. This finding is consistent with retailers delaying substantial petrol price rises in order to mask the existence of uncompetitive practices.HighlightsWe use a normalised beta function within an asymmetric mixed data sampling model.Retail petrol price falls are symmetrically passed onto motorists after 10–50days.Price increases are passed onto consumers after 30–60days with higher magnitudes.There is evidence of uncompetitive pricing tactics in the Australian petrol market.
机译: 摘要 本文通过研究每日油价变化的影响,调查了澳大利亚的零售汽油市场是否采用了非竞争性定价策略每月汽油价格。为此,我们将不对称性纳入非对称混合数据采样(AMIDAS)框架内的标准化β加权函数的系数中。这使我们既可以研究零售汽油价格变化的时机,也可以研究滞后的边际效应,以应对油价的变化。我们发现,汽油零售价格与油价变化的时间和幅度不对称。具体来说,我们发现,虽然价格下跌缓慢而对称地传递给消费者,但价格上涨的延迟时间更长,但随着时间的推移强度会更高。取决于首都,当零售商最终确实提高汽油价格时,由于油价上涨而出现延迟,因此价格上涨的幅度是零售商为响应油价下跌而降低汽油价格时的价格涨幅的2.1至3.4倍。 。这一发现与零售商为了防止存在不竞争行为而推迟大幅提高汽油价格相符。 突出显示 我们在非对称混合数据采样模型中使用归一化的beta函数。 零售汽油价格下跌会在10–50天后对称地传递给驾驶者。 价格上涨转嫁给公司30–60天后的nsumers具有更高的幅度。 在澳大利亚汽油市场上有不具竞争性的定价策略。



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