首页> 外文期刊>Energy Business Journal >ARC Energy Defends Proprietary Sapphire Technology; Countersues GT Solar for Anticompetitive Conduct

ARC Energy Defends Proprietary Sapphire Technology; Countersues GT Solar for Anticompetitive Conduct

机译:ARC Energy捍卫专有的蓝宝石技术;反对GT Solar的反竞争行为

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2011 JUL 29 - (VerticalNews.com) -- Advanced RenewableEnergy Company, LLCrn(ARC Energy), a provider of innovative c-axis sapphire growth technologies and turnkeyrnsolutions for the LED industry, last week filed an Answer and Counterclaim in HillsboroughrnCounty, New Hampshire Superior Court against GT Solar International, Inc. and various of itsrnsubsidiaries (GT Solar). In its filing, ARC vigorously denies that any of ARC's products orrntechnologies make use of any proprietary GT Solar technology and has countersued GT Solarrnfor anticompetitive conduct. ARC Energy's Counterclaim asserts that GT Solar has madernknowingly false and defamatory statements about ARC Energy's business and products for thernunlawful purpose of inhibiting sales of ARC Energy's sapphire crystal growth system into thernfast growing LED market.
机译:2011年7月29日-(VerticalNews.com)-创新的c轴蓝宝石生长技术和LED行业交钥匙解决方案提供商Advanced RenewableEnergy Company,LLCrn(ARC Energy)上周在新罕布什尔州的希尔斯伯恩县提出了答辩状。最高法院对GT Solar International,Inc.及其各个子公司(GT Solar)提起诉讼。 ARC在其文件中坚决否认ARC的任何产品技术都利用了GT Solar专有技术,并已对GT Solarrn的反竞争行为提出了反诉。 ARC Energy的反诉声称,GT Solar出于非法目的抑制ARC Energy的蓝宝石晶体生长系统在快速增长的LED市场中的销售而对ARC Energy的业务和产品作出了虚假和诽谤性的陈述。



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