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Role of Na+ and Ca2+ channels in the preoptic LH surge generating mechanism in proestrous rats.

机译:Na +和Ca2 +通道在发情大鼠视前LH激增产生机制中的作用。

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We studied whether Na+ and Ca2+ channels are involved in the neural mechanism responsible for the surge of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in proestrous rats. In experiment 1, female rats in proestrus were i.p. injected at 1345 h with pentobarbital sodium (35 mg/kg) to block spontaneous surge of LH and electrical stimulation was applied between 1400 and 1600 h to the preoptic area (POA) together with POA injection of 0.5 microl saline containing the Na+ channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX) at a concentration of 1 microM, 2 microM, or 5 microM. Since 5 microM TTX completely blocked the increase in serum LH concentrations evoked by the POA stimulation, we used this concentration in experiment 2 to observe the TTX effect on the spontaneous LH surge. In experiment 2, bilateral injections of 1.5 microl of 5 microM TTX at 1430 h in the POA in proestrous rats postponed the peak time and reduced the peak level of the LH surge. In experiment 3, bilateral injections of 1.5 microl of 5 microM L-type Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine at 1430 h in the POA completely blocked the LH surge. Since the cell bodies of GnRH neurons are primarily concentrated in the POA in rats, these results suggest that both voltage-sensitive Na+ channels and Ca2+ channels contribute to the generation of action potentials at GnRH cell bodies for the surge release of GnRH.
机译:我们研究了Na +和Ca2 +通道是否参与导致性腺大鼠促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)激增的神经机制。在实验1中,发情前期的雌性大鼠腹腔内注射。在1345小时注射戊巴比妥钠(35 mg / kg)以阻止LH的自发性激增,并在1400至1600小时之间对视光前区域(POA)进行电刺激,同时用POA注射含有Na +通道阻滞剂河豚毒素的0.5微升盐水(TTX)的浓度为1 microM,2 microM或5 microM。由于5 microM TTX完全阻止了POA刺激引起的血清LH浓度的增加,因此我们在实验2中使用该浓度来观察TTX对自发性LH激增的影响。在实验2中,在发情期大鼠的POA中于1430 h双侧注射1.5 microl的5 microM TTX推迟了峰值时间并降低了LH激增的峰值水平。在实验3中,在POA中于1430 h双向注射1.5 microl的5 microM L型Ca2 +通道阻滞剂硝苯地平完全阻断了LH激增。由于GnRH神经元的细胞体主要集中在大鼠的POA中,因此这些结果表明,电压敏感的Na +通道和Ca2 +通道均有助于GnRH细胞体上的动作电位的产生,以促进GnRH的浪涌释放。



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