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To predict military spending in China based on ARIMA and artificial neural networks models


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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy dotycz?cej przewidywanych wydatków Chin na militaria, opracowanej na podstawie modelu autoregresji (ang. ARIMA) oraz sztucznych sieci neuronowych (ANN). Dok?adno?? predykcji oparta zosta?a na funkcji ?redniej warto?ci absolutnej procentowego uchybu. Badania wykazuj?, ?e model ARIMA ma wy?sz? dok?adno?? i stabilno?? ni? model oparty na ANN w odniesieniu do czterech, ró?nych okresów (1, 3, 5, 10 lat), przy czym dla ANN badanie wykonano dla czterech warto?ci dok?adno?ci predykcji.%This study takes the initiative to forecast China's military spending based on autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models and artificial neural networks (ANNs) models. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) approach is applied to measure prediction accuracy. The results indicate that these single variable ARIMA models show higher accuracy and stability than those made by the single variable ANNs models across the four time periods, namely the short term (1 year), the medium term (3 years), the medium-long term (5 years), and the long term (10 years). As to multiple variable ANNs models, the prediction accuracy of each model with different variables has advantages in different time periods. The highest accuracy for the long term predictions among all of the multivariate models is made by ANN2 including China's military spending and GDP. ANN3 including variables of China's military spending, GDP, and inflation rates illustrates the most accurate prediction for the short term and medium-long term, while ANN4 including China's military spending, GDP, inflation rates, and Taiwan's military spending shows the highest accuracy for the medium term prediction. This concludes the contributions of this study.
机译:本文介绍了基于自回归模型(ARIMA)和人工神经网络(ANN)开发的有关中国预期军事支出的分析结果。准确性 ??该预测基于百分比误差的平均绝对值的函数。研究表明,ARIMA模型具有更高的准确性 ??和稳定性比基于ANN的四个不同时期(1、3、5、10年)的模型,对ANN进行了四个预测准确度值的研究。%本研究主动进行了预测中国的军事开支基于自回归综合移动平均(ARIMA)模型和人工神经网络(ANN)模型。平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)方法用于测量预测准确性。结果表明,在短期(1年),中期(3年),中期(4个时间段)内,这些单变量ARIMA模型显示出比单变量ANNs模型更高的准确性和稳定性。期限(5年)和长期(10年)。对于多变量人工神经网络模型,具有不同变量的每种模型的预测精度在不同时间段具有优势。在所有多元模型中,长期预测的最高准确度是由ANN2得出的,包括中国的军费开支和GDP。包括中国军事支出,GDP和通货膨胀率变量的ANN3说明了短期和中期的最准确预测,而包括中国军事支出,GDP,通货膨胀率和台湾军事支出的ANN4显示了最准确的预测。中期预测。到此结束本研究的贡献。



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