首页> 外文期刊>Przeglad Elektrotechniczny >Analysis and Design of Ground Speed and Position Detection System Based on Crossed Inductive Looped-cable

Analysis and Design of Ground Speed and Position Detection System Based on Crossed Inductive Looped-cable


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This paper introduces the structure and principle of ground speed and position detection system based on crossed inductive looped-cable, and analyzes the impedance matching of loops in details, then the calculated model is given. Considering the application environment, this article also analyzes the effect taken by the sleeper, and puts forward the method of improving system reliability. Finally, this system was tested by experiments taken on the maglev track. The result shows that it has a good performance.%W artykule przedstawiono budow? systemu rozpoznania pozycji i pr?dko?ci obiektu wzgl?dem ziemi. Dzia?anie oparte zosta?o indukcyjno?ci zbudowanych cewek (p?tli kablowych). Dokonano analizy dopasowania impedancyjnego odpowiednich cewek. Opracowano model systemu. Jego dzia?anie poddano weryfikacji eksperymentalnej w poje?dzie typu maglev.



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