首页> 外文期刊>Przeglad Elektrotechniczny >The Cellular Phone-Induced Electromagnetic Radiation as the Risk Factor in Brain Cancer - a Survey of Recent Research

The Cellular Phone-Induced Electromagnetic Radiation as the Risk Factor in Brain Cancer - a Survey of Recent Research


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This paper summarizes our current knowledge about the potential influence of exposition to electromagnetic field generated by cellular phone technology and other everyday-use appliances, on the risk of onset of brain tumors. The results of several large-scale international epidemiologic studies are compared and analyzed in detail. No results were found to clearly prove the significant effect of cellular phones, base stations, microwave ovens etc. in enhancing the risk of brain tumor incidence.%W artykule podsumowano bie??c? wiedz? na temat mo?liwego wp?ywu pola elektromagnetycznego generowanego przez terminale telefonii mobilnej na powstawanie guzów mózgu. Wyniki mi?dzynarodowych badań epidemiologicznych zosta?y szczegó?owo porównane i przedyskutowane. Badania te wykaza?y, ?e nie ma istotnego wp?ywu telefonów komórkowych na podniesienie ryzyka powstawania gózów mózgu.



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